Vacation Bible School

Summer Tradition of Growth…

VBS13-PLarrySide _6D9A7559For many years, we have cultivated the tradition of holding a Vacation Bible School in the beginning weeks of the summer.  In the past, the Vacation Bible School (VBS)  has lasted for two weeks, but in the more recent years we focus on a single week.

And don’t think that’s it’s only for children!   We have been known for holding VBS in the evenings and including classes for adults.  One year we even stated the evening off with with a covered dish dinner. 

Each year is a unique experience; so stay tuned for the next VBS! 

And beyond that, VBS is a time where the entire church family becomes involved; whether it be in leading recreation, hosting picnics, teaching, cooking, or leading music, VBS is truly a church-wide event.





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